Here are a few of my building blocks.
You must start with a good gingerbread base. For houses this is a sturdier dough, firmer than
what you'd use in gingerbread cookies or cakes.
I used the recipe and template from King Arthur Flour Company.
A great template or pattern is essential.
A good rolling pin, a sharp knife, and a steady hand are also helpful.
Once your pieces have cooled and dried out some,
you can't beat royal icing,
the glue of the particular gingerbread constructor.
I must say I learned a lot about bricks
in creating this design.
More completed pieces, well almost. I'm getting excited.
Aaah...the front view at 71 Ginger Lane.
Don't you just want to walk up the Christmas gravel walkway
and on through the white chocolate picket fence and
into this brightly lit little cottage.
The back and left side view.
An aerial shot. This one makes the cottage seem taller to me.
It's all in perspective.
Our lives are a lot like gingerbread houses. It depends on the pattern we're following.
Our human lives will always need trimming. Sometimes huge pieces and sometimes small ones.
Often the small cuts hurt more. It's a lot like the annoying papercut.
Following Christ's pattern is in opposition to our human nature.
But when we do it will sure turn into something unimaginably better than a lump of dough.